DAY DRIVE の Naoki 氏がボーカルを務める(!) 美メロ・ラウド・スクリーモバンド!! 抜群のコーラスワーク!! 鬼気迫るデスシャウト!! 静寂と狂気が嵐のように吹き荒れて入り乱れるその音の中で、光りに似た琴線に触れるメロディーを吐き捨てるそのセンスは圧巻です!!
05. RED SKY RIOT 「I Swear」
She stands only looking at a wave
I cannot say any words
She lost everything she loved and just believed
But I do hope I just can save
Cause I know she got me out from my tragedy before
So don't cry anymore
She's a lonely, lonely heart
I cannot put up with it
(There is nothing I can save for myself)
I'm just hoping, hoping that she let me sing this song
(I want to say)
I swear everyday you don't get feel alone forever
Don't be afraid
So close your eyes
I will be next to you tonight
When you feel the pain I'll take it away
So nothing you got lost
Just say goodbye
Your sadness has now that gone
So close your eyes of you
I'll take you other way out
Darkened eyes
Falling down
I hate myself because there is nothing I can save
Nobody break it down but I won't give you up for now
Break it down
Close your eyes of you
I can save you
Just I swear everyday you don't get feel alone forever
Don't be afraid
So close your eyes
I will be next to you tonight
When you feel the pain I'll take it away
So nothing you got lost
Just say goodbye
Your sadness has now that gone
I'll take you away
You're crying with pain
I know
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